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Picture of a female Radiology patient standing next to a Radiologist and a Radiologist Nurse. They are all smiling. There is a mammogram machine in the background.
Picture of a female Radiology patient standing next to a Radiologist and a Radiologist Nurse. They are all smiling. There is a mammogram machine in the background.

Radiology Services

The Radiology Services Department at Jackson County Hospital offers routine radiology exams by professional Imaging Technologists.

Exams include chest X-rays, spine X-rays and fluoroscopy studies. In addition, the Imaging Services Department provides CT scans, ultrasound exams, vascular studies, MRI exams and 3D mammography screenings.

3D Mammography Services

Your chances of surviving breast cancer increase when detected early and a mammogram is the single most-effective method of early detection. 3D mammography can detect a breast lump as small as 1/8 inch, smaller than would be felt by a self-exam.

Our hospital features the latest advances in breast cancer screenings by utilizing GE Senographe Pristina 3D mammography imaging equipment paired with iCAD's Profound AI software. This powerful duo allows our hospital to provide state-of-the-art breast cancer detection.

Benefits & Features

  • The most comfortable screening experience
    • 83% of patients report the GE Pristina is more comfortable than other mammogram systems.
  • Quicker exam times, averaging only 7 minutes
    • Two-thirds of patients perceive the exam duration with GE Pristina was shorter than with other mammogram systems.
  • Earlier detection of abnormalities
    • The combination of better tissue positioning (to produce clearer, sharper images) and ICAD's deep-machine learning, for the reading of the images, provides the best chance for early detection of abnormalities.

Women age 40 and older should get a high-quality mammogram scan every one to two years. Talk to your physician to discuss your risk factors and decide the right time to start mammogram screenings.

Early detection is critical and saves lives, so call (361) 782-7800 to schedule your 3D mammogram with our imaging professionals at Jackson County Hospital today. Appointments are available Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Our professional Radiology Technicians are scheduled to provide services to our community 24 hours per day 7 days per week. Community members can utilize the Imaging Services Department with a physician's order from any provider. The Imaging Services Department at the Jackson County Hospital will perform the test and send the report directly to your physician for your convenience. To schedule an appointment with our Imaging Professionals call (361) 782-7800.

Breast cancer screenings are zero co-pay with most insurance. Ask about our affordable self-pay rates.